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tantra is a way of life

Tantra has been much misunderstood, particularly in the West. Tantra is about expansion of consciousness, and liberation of energy.

The liberation of energy starts with the blocked energy within our mind, body, and emotions being freed. Then the energies of the more subtle realms start to reveal themselves as the more subtle aspects of our being become more manifest. This leads to the awakening of our own Divine energy, the great kundalini. But this is not all: as we progress, we also become conduits for the cosmic energy. All of this is a process and it all takes time.

With the expansion of consciousness, we start by simply becoming more aware, and, as we progress, the hidden powers of our Being manifest, and we eventually come to the Higher Consciousness that is inside each of us. Sometimes this is referred to as the third eye. It is here that the true hidden personal power of tantra truly flowers.

tantra involves the unseen world, both within, and without

Because tantra also involves the hidden world of the unseen, the unheard, the unknown, and the mysteries of the gods and goddesses. 

And, with tantra, we find ourselves aiming towards the gods and  goddesses. Tantra is a process which leads us there. Tantra is also believed to mean "to weave". What is being weaved? The mysteries of our own psyche, the mysteries of this planet, the mysteries of the gods and goddesses, the mysteries of the cosmos. 

The dance of energy and consciousness on all levels.

tantra is an evolving process

Tantra is a process which recognises that we each have a starting point, and that we are also living a life; we are not living a reclusive life, we have a destiny in an incarnation which also must be fulfilled. And in this context, tantra does also include sexual practices. Unfortunately this has given tantra a bad connotation, as, both in the West and in India, the word tantra has been used unscrupulously in a sexual content. And so much misinformation has been "given out" regarding sex, in the name of tantra.

In the tantric texts are techniques to take us on our journey to the Divine. Tantra also recognises that we need to have means to go on this journey: the techniques are to provide a vehicle.

ritual is an important part of tantra

The techniques include ritual which also use the senses and aspects of nature, and invoking the gods and goddesses; sound (in India the sounds are called mantra); geometric symbols (yantra); circular patterns (mandala); intent, or, the power of the mind.

So, tantra is potentially very powerful. In India there are tantric sadhus (spiritual renunciates) who can and do transmit spiritual energy just by touch and mantra. There are also tantric shamans who perform rites to provide blessings, or to cast a spell. Some can cast a curse. The "bad" tantriks also use trapped beings to help them with their spells and curses, which is how so-called 'great' tantrics and gurus can manifest: it is by enslavement.

The world of duality, of consciousness and energy, day and night, darkness and light, good and bad, are all recognised as existing, in tantra. 

In reality, for the majority of us it is a joyous path, full of wonder and awe.
