The Inner Fire: core activation

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What is the Inner Fire?

I can image many different answers to this. Some might say, or suggest:
  • it's the heart-fire
  • it's the fire from mooladhara (base) chakra
  • it's manipura (navel) chakra
  • it's the element of fire
Let us look at these all:

                     :Image result for satyananda anahata chakra
The heart-fire

I can actually imagine someone thinking that there is a heart-fire. There is such an amazing warmth which spreads forth through our entire being, from the heart chakra. Actually, it also emanates from the physical heart, too. In both cases, this is Love. It transforms how we are feeling, in the moment. It makes us more of whom we are meant to be.

I totally understand that this could be referred to as the heart-fire. I truly do. But, I would not say that there is a fire there. And, I've never "seen" nor experienced, a heart-fire.

I would, however, tell you that there is a solitary flame, inside the Heart Space (Hridayakasha).  It looks like a still candle flame. The heart chakra, and the spiritual heart (they are different from each other), both reside in this space.

I was told that this flame is the flame of the Soul. And I've never actually bothered to investigate this claim. But, I will tell you that it does bring us closer to our Essence, of the person whom we are who traverses the realms of the heavens and of the earth. It is golden, and completely still. And, whereas fire is hot, this flame is not. But, it does create a warmth.

The fire of the base chakra

Contrary to popular opinion, I can honestly tell you that:
  • the awakening of mooladhara (base) chakra
  • the awakening of kundalini
  • and the ascent of kundalini energy
  • and the ascent of the kundalini snake
can all be separate. That is how it was, for me. Firstly mooladhara chakra awoke. I didn't really know what it was nor understand what had happened. But I did know that I was never again the same person that I was before the event.

Is there a fire there? Um. Yes, there is. That fire has to do with the energy of kundalini. But, and this is important: the chakra can wake up first, long before the fire reveals itself, and even longer before our kundalini energy wakes up. 

Kundalini, when it is getting ready to move, when it awakes, it roars like a mighty fire. It's deafening. A large square opens, a thundering roar of fire leaps out of the square. It is immense. But still, the energy of kundalini has not yet exploded into being.

There is a yellow square in the centre of the base chakra. It holds this fire down, inside, and whilst it does, this square may be like a thick, steel, grey colour. And extremely strong. A person may also experience molten lava flowing, when they are close their eyes.

But when that majestic kundalini energy is released: it is like an atomic bomb going off inside of oneself. And it is released as energy, not fire. But there is more to come after that, before Ma Kundalini, the exquisitely beautiful, feminine, white snake, ascends to the crown, inside the head. 

                            Image result for satyananda manipura chakra                 
The fire of manipura chakra

A big secret: the fire that I have just described, is to do with mooladhara (base) chakra. But it requires the energy of the awakened navel/manipura chakra to release the energy behind the fire; which is kundalini energy.

However, there is a fire at manipura; the fire of the sun. And this sun is to do with energy. For, no matter what you have been told, or read, this chakra brings us the knowledge of energy in it's different forms.

The fire that we get in our belly, is more to do with our heated emotions. And, there is also, of course, the digestive fire. Neither are the fire of Manipura chakra.

The fire element

In yoga, the elements are called tattwas. There is an experience whereby a space is awakened, and within that particular space is where the tattwas reside. And, of course, there is a fire element.

The fire element has nothing to do with any of the strange notions which abound. The tattwas are three dimensional, they are not appearing as being a flat picture, as the chakras do for quite some time.

And, this has nothing to do with the Inner Fire, it's something else. However, because the fire element sits starting at hip level up to the armpits, covering the chest, it could be thought to be a fire of the heart. But, I don't believe that is.

And what does this all have to do with core activation?

Well, when our core is activated, with spiritual energy, it is a totally different situation for having "great abs". In fact, it has nothing to do with the body-beautiful. The energy is from Manipura chakra, and it must be an awakened chakra to have this effect.

There is a technique for it, however, I am not at all interested in putting this on the internet. At this stage.

But, the first ever, spiritual core activation (I love this - "spiritual core activation" could be one of my "sayings" - or not), I learnt in my first ever yoga class, early 1970s. By a western Swami, who was not part of an ashram corporation. He called it Agni Sara Kriya. Now, Satyananda devotees might well proclaim that I have the technique for the name, wrong. But, no.
  • Agni means fire
  • Sara has several meanings, one of which is motion
  • Kriya means an action. Spiritually, a kriya is part of a group of deeply spiritual and advanced, yoga techniques

How to start the spiritual core activation process

Stand, feet about shoulder width apart, hands on thighs, knees bent. Exhale, hold the breath out, push down hard onto your thighs as you lift your abdomen into the abdominal cavity which starts beneath your ribs. Then push your abs out and back in, fairly fast, several times. Then release, breathe in and out.

This is a flying upward technique. Your abdominals fly upwards, then back to normal. Several times. All with the breath held out. Two to three times each morning, first thing after going to the loo, is enough.

What does it do?
  • It pulls our abdominal and reproductive organs back into place. It did this for me. 
  • Because of it's dynamic affect on the navel area, it stimulates our pranic, or life-force, sheath.
  • It comes under the umbrella of shat karmas which are the cleansing techniques of Hatha Yoga. 
