A few poses done before bed, can be highly beneficial. Especially if you know what sort of poses to do, for your own needs.
A restorative way to breathe
I would suggest that for evening yoga, move slower, and breathe deeply. Which you were doing anyway with the breathing. Weren't you?
To make it more R & R, you can use this style of breathing. It is so profound, and will completely relax, and also restore, you. It will make you happy.
So, what postures would one do?
I was told, years ago, by The Yoga Powers That Be, that backward bends in the evening are too stimulating.
Hmmmm....... or not, methinks.
For example, doing the bridge pose a couple of times with the breath, eg inhale as you raise your hips, exhale as you lower them to the floor, is in itself, greatly relieving of stress. Particularly if you have had to sit a lot that day. Furthermore, opening up the chest in this pose, encourages deep breathing, and this, in itself, will encourage a better night's sleep.
Even holding this pose for 3 -5 breaths will not overstimulate.
And if you precede this, with the cat pose, when you exhale and stretch the back, so much tension just melts into the ether. Doing 3 rounds will suffice. We are restoring, remember? So, less will be more. If the correct breathing is done, as suggested in the above link.
A wide legged forward bend, such as the Star pose, is also deeply calming. Hold for a few breaths.
A reclining spinal twist, is perfect. Relax into this pose.
And finally, if you can manage:
- the 1/2 shoulderstand, that is perfect. Relax in savasana after. On the floor - or - in bed!!!
- if not, legs up against the wall
- or reclining butterfly.
There are other poses, however, starting with just a few is totally doable.
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