yoga for spring

Why yoga for spring, or for any other reason?

Photo by 
kike vega on Unsplash

I do feel strongly that yoga can be adjusted slightly, due to:
  • the time of day 
  • the weather
  • big astrological things happening throughout the year
  • the season
  • the phase of the moon
Each of these factors can and do alter how a person practices yoga, and also how they teach yoga.

I don't go in for assessing the dosha (body  type, influence) of a class, as I feel that the above factors plus whatever is happening in people's lives, will influence their overall being. 

I do feel that it helps yoga teachers to have a good understanding of:
  • the influence of doshas (body tyoes)
  • how to assess them
  • yoga and diet for each body type
I introduced these many moons ago, before they became mainstream, into teacher training courses. But for me, I would apply them in private classes, rather than to a group. Just so that the class flows better rather than trying to cater for all dosha types within the class.

What suits spring, with yoga?

Because in spring, the days are longer, and warmer, I make the following changes:
  • go a bit lighter on the big standing poses, like triangles and warriors. Why? Because they are heating poses. Either do less of them, or hold them for shorter periods of time. I do more kneeling lunges which aren't so heating  
  • as in the big standing poses, hold poses for shorter periods of time.
  • adapt sun salutes so that they are less heating. This little camel salute (ushtrasana namaskara) is a favourite of mine. My own little creation. Slither forward as best as you can, from child to cobra. Two variations, one is for beginners:

what is specific for spring?

We are coming into a lighter season. Days are getting warmer. By making our poses less heating to balance this out, it just feels better for our body. In spring there is a lightness in our step - let this carry over into your yoga. In other words, less strong poses which we hold for a while in winter.

And as the weather gets warmer, our bodies become more supple, so we can attempt harder bending poses (rather than harder strength poses)

spring health with yoga

Spring is the season for pollens, and allergies. Allergies are to do with DNA, so although yoga can help minimise them a bit, allergies are within a person's genetic make-up. Where yoga is of help here is with keeping lungs and liver strong:
  • cats and camels for strong breathing capacity to help with pollens
  • do backwards bends to help the liver. Even though they can be heating, do them before the more cooling poses
  • a camel is less heating than the bow pose and has similar effects The little camel salute above is great for our liver
  • pranayama: bhastrika and kapalabhati. Both create a strong bubble around the nose, like a protective shield. It would be best to do them everyday for this shield, do 30 - 120 of each, morning is best before the pollens start floating around. The stomach-pumping bhastrika is rather heating and that is not quite so good for someone who has allergies or liver problems. Which is why I recommend the one that I've linked us to
I hope that this has given us all some pointers for this change of season

For general seasonal advice, click here 

For cooler weather yoga; autumn and spring, click here

** link here to my lifestyle blog **


  1. That's interesting about the allergies. Some people seem to develop them later in life. I read that any word ending in "itis" is an allergy: arthritis, dermatitis, etc...Happy Spring!

  2. I developed allergies after I had children which is apparently a common occurrence as our body chemistry changes with each pregnancy. They are definitely worse in spring and fall but there are all sorts of holistic ways to treat them without medication. Thankfully! Because the less medicine the better in my world. This was such an informative post with so much interesting information. Also, I think "-itis" simply means inflammation. I believe that most diagnoses that end in "-itis" are inflammatory diseases. Thanks for sharing and linking with me!


    1. Thanks for that info, Shelbee, that's so interesting. Yes, spring - I can't wait for it, then it arrives and I can barely see with watery eyes and such.

  3. My ballet teacher said that her daughter healed her allergies for her with chiropractic. She was in her fifties and so thrilled. I thought that was interesting. Thanks for the reminder to do more pranayam. I am back into chanting with Krishna Das on Youtube, too. I just love his voice and music. The chants are hypnotic.


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