Patanjali's recommendations for a good life

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I thought that I would go over some of these recommendations, on this blog. The hints are hidden within the sutras, some more obvious than others. Today we shall look at constant practice, as Patanjali mentions this fairly early in his sutras.

Constant practice = abhyasa

Whatever we do in life, in order to succeed at something, we need to do it constantly. Over, and over, And over, again. This is what brings us the fruits of our labours. I so wish that people in all areas of life, understood this.

And it is one of the most important underlying messages of Patanjali's Sutras. He says that we need to become 'established in the endeavour', by constant practice. And because he mentions it so early on in his treatise, we can assume that this is because it is important. 

So, in spirituality, as in everyday life, what ever we are doing in our journey to arrive at our destination, we need to do it constantly.  This is not some great revelation, of course. It is also common sense. But, and this is just me, it needs to suit you. 

whatever your constant practice is, it needs to suit you and what you are doing

There is no merit to be gained in practicing something that does not feel right for you, or perhaps doesn't make you feel good. As an example: I chanted two mantras, eleven times each, most mornings for twenty years. And another long mantra for ten of those years. These three didn't gel with me, but still I persisted. Because of constant practice and all that. And they were recommended by the ashram which I was associated with. A friend, however, blossomed with these same chants, as did many others.

And then about ten years ago, I learnt some Maori chants. They resonated with every part of my being. So I did these instead, and am now learning Maori language, in order to be able to say them correctly. These chants, to do with The Gods and divinity, as are the yoga chants, have given me amazing results, and very quickly.

the correct practice gives good, swift, results

This led me to remember that anything that we are constantly practicing should give immediate beneficial results. Furthermore, continually practicing what gives these good results, builds more and more on it's own foundations. The benefits and outcomes, keep increasing.

This is not rocket science. I wonder how I could have allowed myself to forget this, as it was one of my first lessons in spirituality.

When I was quite young, and had just started yoga, I met a guru called Dr Swami Gitananda, who was also a psychiatrist. He was adamant that yoga should make a person feel good. And, if that was not happening, then you were doing the wrong sort of yoga for you. This can be like a creed for success in whatever you are aiming to do in life. If it makes you feel good; if it takes you towards your goal; then it is right for you, and for what you are doing.

how to tell if your constant practice is for you

I have taken hundreds of people through regression, and deeply spiritual clairvoyant readings. One thing that showed up, over and over again, was that when we are doing what ever is in accordance with our destiny, then we have less obstacles in our Path. Conversely, when something is not the correct way for us to go, is not in our Life Path, then our way will be full of obstacles. It will be hard.

We can take this as a sign. And, how I would relate it to Patanjali's sutras, is by comparing it to the chitter chatter of the mind, and how yoga is about blocking these mind patterns. When these patterns are stilled, we experience peace, union, and Higher states of Being. So, when we are doing things, over and over, to achieve, and maintain our dreams, goals, whatever, and instead of things being good, they are fraught with difficulties, it is like being stuck in the mind mire. When things start working out, though, it is similar in a way, to the mental fluctuations calming down, and creating less problems for us.

why does Patanjali talk about abhyasa?

And now, to get back to the sutras: in what specific context is abhyasa/constant practice, referring to? It is about blocking the vrittis, the mind stuff chitter-chatter.  We can never stop having thoughts. They are part of the process of life. 

But, when the thoughts slow down, our brain waves are then more harmonious, and we are less affected by the problems of life. Then we have a self-healing and loving vibration predominate.

So, to sum things up: whatever we choose to do, in yoga, and in life, should improve our quality of Being, by blocking the constant pull of the vrittis, which in turn will gives us more inner freedom. The vrittis will constantly arise if whatever we are doing, is not correct for us. 

Whatever we are aiming for in life, we need to have something/s that we do, over and over, constantly, to get to the fulfillment of that aim. Sometimes we have to trial several methods to find out which one works best for us:

  • our situation
  • our personality
  • our time available
  • our values
  • our aim

What we chose, should be:
  • easy to maintain
  • fit effortlessly into our life 

For, if anything is difficult, we will not be able to maintain it.

constant practice is something we DO, over and over
