more on ahimsa/non-violence

how to be non-violent?

So, having ascertained in the previous post, that ahimsa, non-violence, is the first step in yoga, what does that mean, how can we start??

We start with ourselves. This is crucial, for, when we try to impose ahimsa onto someone else else, we are using force, and this is himsa, violence, the opposite of ahimsa. 

We need to start by being non-violent to ourselves, be kind to yourself. And, we also need to not allow others to be violent, or mean, in any way or form, to us. We need to find ways to stop holding grudges, or resentment. This is not only violence to others, but also we are then being violent to ourself.

a special non yoga technique

When we have grudges, a lovely technique (not a yoga one!) is to:

Aach day or evening, write out that you wish that........(add person/s name/s) never has ............(whatever they said/did to you that is causing the resentment) happen to him/her/them. 

I did it once for two weeks. two weeks!!! morning and night. At the end of that period, the person who gave me the technique, a lovely Narcotics Anonymous success, asked if I still had resentment. "No!" I answered. "I'm angry!" His reply: "That's great. It's about not holding resentment, not about not being angry." Wise words. 

Resentment, grudges, are often internalising situations which cause us to seethe. and the grudge then grudge grows. But when we progress to being angry about whatever caused the situation, we move into a more externalising mode, and are more likely to do something about the problem.

the experience of loving oneself:  a meditation

In the meantime, you can learn what it feels like when you are non-violent to yourself. Sit, eyes closed, body still, and allow yourself to relax and quieten. Become aware of the gentle, rhythmic, spontaneous breath moving inside the body, relaxing with each exhale. Continue. 

Move into the non-physical space (hridayakasha) of the spiritual heart. The spiritual heart is the heart chakra, anahata. Notice how the heart space gently expands on the inhale, and relaxes back to its physical size on the exhale

Silently repeating 'so' on the inhale, 'ham' on the exhale. Continue for a while. Then let go of expanding/relaxing the heart space, let go of so-ham, stay with the heart space....... 

Deep within this space we come close to the true essence of ourself. Allow the feeling of caring, goodness, and goodwill come from the centre of the heart space and travel through your whole body/mind. Continue. 

Then come to being aware of what this feels like. Withdraw the awareness from the heart space; now come to being aware of your whole body and slowly open the eyes.

This is a beautiful way to learn what the feeling and vibration of non-violence is like.
