Yogic Heart Math

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heart math

There is an institute in the USA called the Heart Math Institute. Here they have been following people for decades to see what makes us have E.Q, or, emotional quotient. 

we have many types of intelligence 

Just as we have an I.Q., we also have other 'quotients'. For example an athlete has a specific quotient, as does an artist. There are quite a few different quotients. There is even a spiritual quotient. All of these quotients are to do with some type of intelligence. Each of us is more inclined to one or two quotients. And, because we are looking at different types of intelligence, it suggests that intelligence is not necessarily measured according to only our I.Q.

What does quotient mean? According to the Oxford Dictionary, it's a result given by dividing one quantity by another. This suggests that there is a baseline, or a yardstick, from which the result is worked out. So, we could be high on the measurement, or low, or in between.

emotional quotient

The Heart Math Institute looked at children who grew up to have a good E.Q:

  • they were emotionally stable
  • made good choices
  • had happier, and therefore better, lives

One of the most important findings was that instant gratification in childhood did
not produce a good E.Q. A child who could happily wait to have things, would grow up to having a good E.Q: e.g. getting a bike for their next birthday, rather than having legendary tantrums or bullying, and then getting their bike pronto. 

When we bring up our children to expect instant gratification, we unfortunately are teaching them that bullying gets us what we want. These people then become mean adults. They do not have a good E.Q. And, with a ripple effect, the people around them do not have a good life either.

an easy way to develop emotional intelligence

So, with our children, and also with ourselves, we can work on being happy whilst we wait for something. For example, a couple of nice biscuits after the child, or ourselves, have done a chore, or, even, for no reason, let's wait an hour. And, it helps, according to the research, to make sure that, for example, the biscuits aren't in sight during the waiting.We can train the children, and ourselves, to be positive whilst we look forward to something.

When our emotional quotient is at a good level, it has been found (by the Institute), that we make better choices. There is a basic technique which the Institute uses to reconnect with our heart. Our amazing heart which has in it:

  • a conscience 
  • love 
  • emotional intelligence 

For quite some years now, I've taught a yogified Heart math technique, involving the trigger point for the heart chakra, the mantra for soothing our psyche and therefore the heart. As well as a special symbol from the heart chakra which is at the very core of our essence. I based it on the actual baseline Heart Math technique, so it's really similar.

And this is in the following post.
