still redefining mooladhara

mooladhara chakra has 4 red petals: in the aura it is a very bright pure red. The auric colours are so majestically beautiful & meditating on the chakra at their entry points on the body, is a truly beautiful way to work with chakras. It is not the only way. The entry points are known as khestrams....trigger points. They are the trigger points for the internal chakras.

The internal colour is a different red. I've been trying to find words to describe the difference between inner & outer colours, & the best that I can come up with, in regards to how I'm trying to describe these colours, is: externally they are dazzling colours, internally they are more true colours, like true red in this case, but internally, there is another really big level past this where the colours are the same internal colours but they have a slightly dusky element to them, & a third internal level (yet to be revealed!) has dazzling but subtle colour. So the 2nd level of mooladhara awakening is a rich ruby red.

Each of the 4 petals are around a clear circle. Each petal relates to a "bliss": yogananda/yoga bliss; paramananda/supreme bliss; samaj-ananda/natural bliss; virananda/vira bliss. Samaja can mean elephant: there is a very beautiful brown elephant within mooladhara. Elephants are beautiful, loyal, loving creatures with excellent memories, & these are inherent qualities within you too. Elephants are deeply caring, they look out for 1 another. We are supposed to also. I found, myself, at Mooladhara, I cared even more about people's welfare, everything wasn't about me. Vira means many things: brave, hero...& one does feel  stronger within oneself at this chakra, when it is awakened. Vira also means sacrificial fire: that fire is the hidden kundalini, it can sound like a roaring, deafening fire at times.

This chakra is indeed the true pathway to spiritual bliss, a bliss which creates an inner peaceful happiness, with a strong energy vibration. Which is why I cannot understand all the "chakra shaming" about this chakra. For some indefinable reason there is the misunderstanding, or lack of inner knowledge, that to have an active mooladhara, I mean active as in awakened, that it means that one is selfish, lazy.......this has not been my experience at all. I strongly dispute those attitudes.

The bliss can be experienced quite easily: 1st is nose tip gazing. Slit your eyes, & gaze at your nosetip. Gaze for a while, then close your eyes, slit them again & repeat, do a few times. You will notice that you internalise & start to become very happy. 2nd is: cross your wrists over your heart centre, on the centre of your chest. Palms flat either side of the upper chest. Close your eyes. Slightly flare the nostrils, & imagine that you are breathing in & out of the nose tip, above the nostrils, whilst trying to locate an exquisite smell. When you catch a fleeting whiff of it, you will be transported into bliss. So profound. Do for 1-3 minutes. The smell is sandalwood, & this scent produces serotonin in the brain...serotonin is the "happy & calm" neurotransmitter.

Inside the circle is a large yellow square, each corner of the square touches the edge of the circle, & each petal is on 1 of the sides of the square. On the centre of the square is a red inverted triangle, & sitting atop of the triangle is a shiva lingam, a longish oval, going upwards. In this chakra it is ruddy brown or like beige. I have read that it is actually smoky black, but in my experience, that is how it is at ajna, not mooladhara. Shivalingams are associated with Lord Shiva, so they are to do with Higher Consciousness. At mooladhara, a vision of this shivalingam is profound: we are awakening aspects of ourselves which relate to Higher Consciousness. Mooladhara is not the Higher Consciousness, it is like one of the necessary steps along the way. The Higher aspects that are revealed here are bliss, & knowledge which starts to "come out" of oneself, in the form of starting to understand great truths.

The shivalingam at this chakra is also related to a gland, which can be touched with fingers inside the body: near the opening of the cervix for women: inside the anus for men. It feels like a pimple. Of course, when Mooladhara is active, this area can feel highly energised, which of course, is why people attribute sex to this chakra. But Mooladhara is so much more than sex!

There is a small red female pretty, coiled around the shiva lingam...there is an experience where the wee snake comes off the shivalingam. The snake is energy, the shivalingam is consciousness. This is an important experience, for it means that our consciousness & our energy have separated. Here we come to something that can be so hard to understand: we think that we are our body, our emotions, & what we think. This is just a part of us, we are so much more than that, & at Mooladhara we start to realise this.

We become aware. Aware of what's going on, both within ourselves, our thoughts & feelings, our reactions, our wants, likes & dislikes. And what is going on around us. We are able to see. or sense, or just realise, the effects that people, situations, food, our lives, etc, have on us, for we are acutely aware of what all the effects of  everything, are, within us. We know that all this "stuff' is part of us, yet we are also aware that our knowing, or witness aspect, is separate.

We are also aware that we are "present" in a spiritual vibration. One could say it's always there, that we are spiritual people living a human life, but at mooladhara we are present in that vibration. We know that we are.
