channelled yoga: kriyavati

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Many years ago, I thought that channelling was really stupid, and a con. I have, since then, had to eat tons of humble pie. For I am not only a spiritual yoga teacher, I am also now a healer, and a channeller, or medium, and have been so for 25 years. So, information is revealed to me, and I tell a client what that information is. I am a medium for this knowledge. As is appropriate.

Sixteen years ago, I went to a week long yoga seminar with an american yoga teacher (Kali Ray) who had found herself doing yoga poses, pranayamas, hand mudras, for, at the time, twenty years, and she had gone on to teach it all. And she said that a yoga system revealing itself through someone, is called kriyavati. Kali is, of course, mega famous with thousands of devotees. She is lovely. She said that it was the Cosmic energy moving her body, and that it was also her guru from a previous life, bringing forth these experiences, and the yoga knowledge.

It all fascinated me, and because I cannot resist finding out what spiritual experiences are truly like, I pondered: how was this so? How was it happening via Kali? The answer came in the form of dreams: sequences of poses clearly demonstrated in my dreams, and then remembered the next day. And with the body moving into a pose, followed by another. 

Soon I had groups of poses that had revealed themselves sequentially through my body: 

  • a seated beginners group
  • a beginners back-bend series
  • three poses in sequence for digestion and abdominal muscles
  • standing body flexibilities
  • a standing warrior dance
  • a hip opening sequence

I taught them here and there, quietly, as I wasn't confident enough at the time, to tell anyone where I had learnt them, so I just popped them into a class, as needed.

Some pranayama followed, then countless hasta (hand) mudras (gestures). I'd be doing a meditation, pranayama, or poses, and realise that my hands and fingers had morphed into a hasta mudra. Most I recorded, many I did not. 

Then, other small groups of poses emerged: sometimes through my body, often I'd get a clear vision of a group of movements, and then do them. And the hasta mudras: sometimes I'd be doing an asana, and a vision would appear of the correct mudra for it, so I would just follow suit.

Over the years, I scribbled down these sequences and mudras. After the first group of poses, it changed to two to three poses at a time, 1 after the other. I could not figure out what I was supposed to do with them, So again, here and there, I'd pop them into a class. 

Eventually, I did work it all out, and how this stronger group of poses was to be taught. It has all evolved into a system. I was too shy for so long about talking about this, as for a long time I was associated with a large Indian ashram, and it wasn't part of their teachings. But now that I am no longer involved with that ashram, I have the freedom to be true to my inner nature.

What also emerged was other types of mudras, dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation) techniques. Some were very similar to other systems, but there was always a point of difference. Most are completely original, and all relate to the deeper aspects of our being. Sometimes I do teach other stuff that I have learnt over the years, but the channelled yoga: it is sublime. The effect is truly lovely, one feels so close to their spiritual essence.

Where was this all channelled from? Some did come from my body's own innate knowledge, for sure, at the beginning. The body just moved into these poses. And this lead to a long association with a Great Entity, who started my channelling experience, and this revealed some poses & spiritual knowledge, also. But the bulk of it has been from a woman, I don't know who she is. She is Indian and is a source of great knowledge.

Some has come from Cosmic realms, for sure. The Cosmic energy, containing the Cosmic knowledge, descends into oneself through sahasrara, the crown chakra. The kundalini energy, it ascends within us, from mooladhara (base chakra) up through sushumna (relating to the spinal cord), to the crown.

I  had a dream, a few years after it started, when a guru told me that it was the path of Uma Shakti. Uma is the gentle, all-pervading, universal, shakti is energy and is also universal. The gentle cosmic energy path. And Uma was one of the first consorts of Shiva. I even have a channelled Uma Shakti mudra, which is beautiful.
