The everyday mind

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still continuing with Patanjali

So, we have recently been looking at discernment and the four types of cognition. Whilst Patanjali is guiding us into permanent deeper states of being, at the start, he really is not. He is telling us what happens with each step of the spiritual journey. But we are not there yet. Because we are just beginning.

He is also getting us to sort ourselves out. With advice about:
  • the fluctuations of mind
  • the different types of knowledge
  • constant practice
  • discernment

This advice gives us tools. Tools for
  • living
  • achieving our goals
  • the spiritual journey

And for these, we initially have a very important tool: our mind. I found, in the beginning with learning Patanjali's Sutras, that we, in our spiritual innocence, spent a lot of time analysing things. Like what type of knowledge we had employed, or labeling everything a specific type of vritti, when in fact, we might have just had a pure intuitive thought, rather than a repetitive thought.

I understand that we just didn't know. This was many years ago, before Patanjali's teachings became mainstream. And through all of this querying, our brains did try to work things out for us. Because our brain loves a question and will work hard to answer it.

Using our minds, initially, for the four cognitions, is a great tool. A tool for life. 

how the four cognitions become a reality

sutra 17: definition of samprajnata samadhi. Samprajnata samadhi constitutes association respectively with reasoning, reflection, bliss and sense of individuality

These are the four cognitions. 

And, it is one hundred percent true that the four cognitions become a very strong reality when one starts to dip in and out of the first samadhi, the first stage of enlightenment. Spontaneously. We become very 'knowing' in a practical way. The increase of these cognitions is the gift of the first stage of enlightenment. And the cognitions, they are a different perception for us with this first samadhi. Different from how we usually experience these cognitions. I really am not sure how to explain this, as everything along the samadhi path, is experienced and not everything can be explained in a manner that we all can understand. We are moving into new realms, here. 

And, this samadhi can happen remarkably quickly if a person is doing strong spiritual practices on a daily basis. We start to experience it in meditation.

But what if we are not experiencing the first samadhi? What do we do then? The cognitions are part of our make-up. We can employ them, anyway. Indeed, I feel strongly that it is helpful for us to do so, for, even though we are on a spiritual quest, journey, we still are living in the material world.

we still have to live life in the material world

One of my biggest life lessons, was that no matter how far one traverses along the spiritual path, we still have to live our life. We still have to fulfill our dharma, which is what is set out for us to experience in our present incarnation.

All scriptures give advice which we can use to our advantage in living our life. And these cognitions are indeed an invaluable tool for life. 
