the four merits

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sutras 18 and 19: these are concerning the technicalities of the samadhis

An important point to know is that these exalted states first occur in meditation. It takes a while for them to become established as part of the daily life.

the differing samadhi stages occur when there is inner silence; when the inner fluctuations create a pause and in that space and in an heightened energy, we experience these samadhi stages 

sutra 20: concerning the (four merits)

Patanjali is talking about the four merits which are needed to attain the second samadhi, known as asumprajnata samadhi. The four merits come about as a result of the spiritual experiences, but, if truth be told, they are also part of our human condition. They just manifest somewhat differently, far more intensely, as a result of traversing the samadhi path. They are tools for: 

  • the spiritual journey
  • and success in life

They are:

Sradhha:  From the sanskrit shrat, which means truth; and dha which is to hold. That which holds the truth. Sradhha is often translated as "faith"; however, as we progress, a strong knowing emerges, which is not an intellectual knowing. This knowing is intuition, and this intuition can and does produce "faith". We have faith because we hold the truth within. Faith in what we are experiencing; faith that we are doing the correct things for these experiences to happen. And the results themselves are revealing truth, truth of the two samadhis which we are experiencing.

We dip in and out, from one to the other, as we go along. From samprajnata to asumprajnata then samprajnata again. back and forth. For, we are not yet completely established in the first samadhi. These things do take a little time. 

It is the same with anything in life: we dip in and out of differing states of experience. This is part of being Human. When we are on the Right Path; when we are doing what is right for us, we will have an inner knowing that we are on the right path; we will have faith in what we are doing.

Virya: this can mean

  • energy
  • strong will

The energy gained from the spiritual practices and experiences can and do make one have an inner strength. It is an important time for the aspirant when this inner strength manifests, for one may need to make some choices about how to use this mighty spiritual energy which is growing within oneself, and decide on some ethics to adhere to to prevent misuse of the will, and determination, which are steadily increasing. 

I have seen so many misuse these two faculties on the spiritual path, and the faith in turn becomes distorted. It need not be so.

our intent is incredibly important

In many ways. it is more important than whether or not we succeed at whatever we are doing, whether on the spiritual, or everyday, level.

On an everyday level, when we are fulfilling the duty, and the lessons laid down for oneself in a lifetime, we will find that inner strength and a happier energy will accompany all that we do. the problems will always be present in life, however, our intent  will be the deciding factor for success.

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more next time........
