More kundalini 1990s

 More kundalini myths dispelled

This was written about 1992

photo by Toby Elliot on Unsplash,com

I've already mentioned in a previous post, about how a friend would see molten lava whenever she closed her eyes: definitely kundalini. Another time, I was doing an energy healing for a friend, and somehow it was all about the area above his navel, in his aura. He later said that a volcano was erupting inside of him during the healing. Kundalini.

I thought that I would spend a few posts dissecting an article that I wrote, probably 1991/2. I already had six chakras awakened, and I'm talking about the internal aspect of the chakras, here. Plus the kundalini energy had exploded within me, and a very, very important internal space, the heart space, Hridayakasha, which houses the chakras to do with our soul, was fully awake, too. 

So, you would think that with all of this, that I would have written from my own knowledge, wouldn't you? For goodness sake, I only partially did. What the heck? Where were my brains? I was still "following the party line", that which had been decreed by the ashram of which I was to become their representative in Aotearoa New Zealand, a few years later. And what was also (mistakenly - and I'm not kidding here) loudly proclaimed by my former yoga teaching associate, a western swami (R.I.P)

It was a few years after this article, that I began to stop denying the Inner Knowledge that had arisen within me, as a result of my own experiences. Honestly, I could no longer lie about things just to protect the status quo. 

confession about intent

Now, to make things abundantly clear, I am not the only person with this knowledge. How could I be? On these Inner aspects, we are all the same, although our experiences may manifest in different levels and at different times. What I am interested in doing, though, is clarifying misconceptions about kundalini, and chakras, too, and am starting by pointing out my own former errors. 

I'll be self correcting, as I write, in this italics text.

so, here goes:

Confessions of a Tantric Yogini........


All the traditional yoga systems are geared entirely towards enlightenment, which is achieved through a variety if means. All of these means deal exclusively with kundalini, the mighty spiritual force inherent within us all. 

To be clear, I do not now firmly believe that no matter which spiritual Path one follows, whether yoga or another, if we become enlightened, kundalini will be involved. 

But, as the spiritual energy builds up inside of oneself, our pranic levels increase, and sooner or later, on many Paths, kundalini may start to show herself. However, just doing vinyasa, Iyengar, etc, etc, going to seminars, reading or talking about it, these are not spiritual Paths. And the following: Bhakti/devotion; Hatha/ asanas/cleansing/pranayama/etc; Raja/deep spiritual practices; Jnana/spiritual knowledge, these are the Yoga Paths of which I speak. 

Kundalini is The Key , for rapid, glorious spiritual evolution. It is a majestic Path to travel. Once an aspirant has a taste, an experience of kundalini, this same taste can keep calling a spiritual traveler back to the path, again and again, for kundalini is heady, all-pervading, mysterious, indescribable.  

Actually I do know someone, in their early twenties, who was having kundalini about to explode (have to use that word 😍) but shut it down due to really bad experiences with ashrams. I understand this, really I do. 

I have never felt that there are words adequate to convey the full depth and penetration of any kundalini experiences. 

Frequently in ancient cultures, the experience of kundalini has been recounted in veiled, mystical poetry, such as in the works of Rumi. Old texts and verses give seemingly incomplete instructions which can easily be understood by those who have traversed the kundalini path for some time. 

Originally I wrote that "which can only be understood...." but seriously, that was just silly. A devout Bhakta (the Path of devotion to God), for example, would understand Rumi on a very deep level from their own experiences of deep love. 

But in these times of change and honest exploration, kundalini experience is now available from those who have lived and trained extensively (this will come up later as we go through the article), scientifically, and know the techniques applicable to each level of spiritual evolution (this is the science aspect) , and who are familiar with the relevant experiences for each of these levels. 

to be continued on the next post.....

Please feel free to make any comments. You might not agree with anything that I've written, and that's okay. To question as you proceed along any Path, is a really good thing to do. When we get into the habit of questioning, and not judging, answers will come.

 *** Ngakau Ora (Maori healing clinic) where I work, link is here on this blog

***Facebook page for Ngakau Ora Titirangi

***link here to my lifestyle blog

*** Link to Global Unity Festivals on youtube, hereI'm in the Wave 1, Asia/Pacific episodes.

*** Link to a post explaining Global Unity Festivals here 

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Post here about what is and isn't kundalini

here about the inner fire

more here about kundalini. Secrets. 


  1. For me, the kundalini experience made me very focused on truth. I became much more direct and honest. Not everyone liked the new me. But, I feel much more relaxed and centered living this way. I don't spend time or energy on people that bring me down or treat me badly. Life is much simpler and less dramatic now.

    1. This is fantastic, Stephenie. Much more accurate and honest than many of the so-called kundalini experiences that I've read. I agree with what you said. Totally. xxxxxxx


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