why past life regression?

I've been taking people through regression for nearly three decades. It is so healing for the client, and it truly is a beautiful thing for me to do

Photo by Jaroslav Devia on Unsplash

past life memories are hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of our subconscious area of mind

Past life regression is a lovely experience. It makes us realise that we are far more than we imagined, especially if there has been a foray into the lives between lives (the heavens). And it answers questions about what we are interested in, what we are afraid of. When we have a great regression, and in my opinion and experience of taking people through regression over the years, all regression should be a really profound and lovely experience. I have heard from a few people, however, who have had less than positive experiences and I wonder why? What was the healer giving the regression, actually doing? What are such healers' understandings of regression? Do they actually know why one undergoes regression? Sometimes, I think not.

When we have a regression, it deals 100% with our life right now. We cannot possibly go through all of our past lives in one regression: there are simply too many past lives that we have undergone. And, the purpose of regression is not psycho-analysis, we are not meant to quickly do some weird technique whereby we "process" what we have just undergone. No, for the regression itself is the process, and in my (humble) experience, we do not need to "sort" anything out, nor do we need to "change" the outcome of a past life.

I shall never forget teaching a fellow healer how to take someone through regression about fifteen years ago. They told me a very weird story of my previous life, and it didn't have the ring of truth for me. This healer pronounced that my "poverty" mentality was from there, and decided to "take me through" a visualisation that changed the ending. So that I would no longer have a poverty mentality. (for goodness sake!!!) Oh, gosh, what a horrible experience it was. It didn't feel right. I knew that it is silly trying to persuade someone that they had a different outcome. End of friendship with that healer. I did not want to associate with anyone who did such abusive healings. 

Then, many years later, a friend took me through regression. I wanted to see if I could do anything to help my adult onset asthma by doing this. In my previous life, in World War Two, I was a very young child who died in a gas chamber. And that left me with a very big tendency to have lifelong breathing problems. Despite being a yoga teacher who regularly practices pranayama. (So, it wasn't the weird lifetime mentioned above, that never actually happened....... )

Whatever has happened to us in the past, is recorded in the mind. We cannot change this, and we may not be totally aware of it, but the influence is there. Happy past lives give us clues as to what things make us happy in this life. Whatever made us happy in a "good" past life, will make us happy now. I had a very happy life as a shaman in Mexico in the 1800s, and guess what? Shamanism makes me very happy in this life. I am drawn to it, as a bee is drawn to honey. It is easy and enjoyable for me.

I know a woman who had been in the Court of The Sun King, at Versailles, in France, some centuries ago. She dressed and adorned the aristocrats! She was very good at it, and loved it. Of course, everyone whom she dressed then, was into flamboyance and affluence. In this life, she is a make-up artist, stylist, and colour consultant. She totally loves it! And has also been teaching it all for many years. Naturally, this lady dresses quite elegantly with touches of flamboyance, and this is a clear case of repeating a nice and happy life, in a different setting, for a lovely life this time around.

In a past life, if a particular food saved our health, it will benefit us so much in this life. I had a sad and impoverished past life in Ireland, again in the 1800s, as a young unwed mother. As you can imagine, in those times, it made a girl a social outcaste. Alone and hungry, seaweed built up my health in that lifetime. I love kelp (seaweed) so much. I could gobble it as though my life depended on it, and now I know why: in that Irish life, my life did depend on it!

In a regression, we are in an altered state of consciousness and energy. We are in a deep and healing alpha brainwave pattern, we are in a non-threatened state of being. As the reader goes through the past lives we may experience feelings, thoughts, pictures. As we experience them and also as we listen to the reader, much of the deep, emotional trauma from a difficult past life that relates to this life, will just disappear into the ether. And really, this is mostly what regression is about: clearing past life trauma. This trauma causes us angst, even when we are not fully aware of why. After a good regression, one starts to feel different. After a while, maximum is usually about 6 months, whatever is the behaviour that is causing us problems and distress in this life, it goes away. We might make changes to relieve ourselves of the problem, but more often, we just stop getting upset about certain things, and/or we stop doing things that are not beneficial to our own life.

To me, these are the real benefits of regression. When these positive changes come from within, our own inner light shines more brightly. We are more comfortable with ourselves. Life gets better. We are happier.

** memories of one of my favourite eras: Lemuria, here
** memories of Atlantis from a healer. Not a pleasant period of history here
** after saying that regression is pleasant - here is another yuk Atlantis story here

**and a post about self respect and mana from my lifestyle blog here
does anyone else have past life memories, or wonderings?


  1. That is so interesting. You definitely seem like you have had lifetimes as a healer. A shaman in Mexico...wow! I think I have had other lifetimes as a dancer, and maybe one as an ice skater. I had flashes of it with a teacher I really resonated with...

    1. Actually I'm seeing you in a past life where you are dancing very fast, wearing quite colourful clothing and a long loose untied scarf on your head. Very intricate hand movements using something like 2 cymbals joined which you're opening and closing making a rhythmic sound. Eye makeup too.

    2. That sounds like me...speed was my specialty. Maybe that was a life in Morocco or India...I wore a scarf on my head at thirteen to dance class, too. Love the gypsy feel.

    3. Gosh you are so spot on!!! I feel that it was Morocco - I just couldn't get that it was India

  2. I find this fascinating and somehow comforting.

    1. Past lives are comforting. They help us understand ourselves more.


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